METT Scholars Speaks at Stillman Google Event

METT Scholars had the honor of sending its founder, John Zehnpfennig, to speak along side two Googlers Shelby Wheeler and Dion Paul. Stillman’s Professor and Chair of the Computational and Information Sciences Department, Dr. Kevin Harris, led the conversation asking pointed questions about careers in STEM, diversity and inclusion in STEM, and he moderated the Q&A between our panel and the 100+ students and faculty in attendance.

Notably, Google’s Chief Diversity Officer, Melonie Parker, and her staff attended and spoke in earlier sessions. Google sponsored this amazing event in partnership with the UC Berkley’s Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity.

Check out these news releases:

Thanks to Google, Stillman College, and UC Berkley for helping to drive change in our STEM workforce!


METT Scholars Invited to Speak at National Archives


METT Scholars Headed to Stillman College