STEM Software

Can default software numerically solve heat, electromagnetic, and material effects? No, it can’t.

STEM majors have unique computing requirements - these can become barriers to entry. Most college STEM major programs require multiple specialized STEM softwares for math and physics numeric solvers, modeling, simulation, machine learning, or compiling complicated programming that can run into thousands of dollars over 4 years . Although most STEM software vendors offer steep student discounts on their software, the cost of specialized software remains a significant barrier to entry.

Your donations purchase STEM software. METT Scholars works closely with major STEM software developers and vendors to obtain the very best prices on student licenses. We pre-load each computer your donations purchase with the licensed STEM software our targeted beneficiary needs for their specific major and the ship these machines to our underserved or disadvantaged beneficiaries. If a student already has a powerful computer and needs just STEM software, your donations can provide them with just the license. Barriers overcome.

Your donations drive this process. Please consider donating generously - any amount counts.

We need your support to help overcome the barriers and empower our future STEM workforce!