STEM Ready Computers

Imagine trying to write the above proof on a smartphone. Our future beneficiaries have no choice but to so do.

Historically underserved and disadvantaged students often do not have access to computers powerful enough to run STEM software - math, modeling, simulations, programming, and CAD to name a few types of software. These students often rely on smart phones, antiquated computers, or must share computing resources with family.

Computing resources are a significant barrier to entry for historically underserved or disadvantaged persons wishing to enter into a STEM major in college. Most such students must decide between buying a suitable computer or affording food and rent. METT Scholars empowers our beneficiaries by removing this dilema.

Your donations purchase powerful computers in bulk. METT Scholars works closely with major computer manufacturers and distributors to obtain the very best prices on new powerful laptops. We pre-load each computer with the licensed STEM software our targeted beneficiary needs for their specific major and the ship these machines to our underserved or disadvantaged beneficiaries. Barriers overcome.

Your donations drive this process. Even at-cost, the computers, software, and shipping we purchase and provide range from $700 to $1500 each. Please consider donating generously - any amount counts.

We need your support to help overcome the barriers and empower our future STEM workforce!