Nick Steward Speaks at Alabama A&M
Nick Steward at work onsite in a US Army tactical headquarters.
25 October 2022 - Senior Federal Civilian with the US Army Program Executive Office for Simulation, Training, and Instrumentation and USAF Reservist Mr. Nick Steward spoke at the Alabama A&M University’s Bond Engineering Auditorium to Electrical Engineering students.
Mr. Steward generously donated his time and wisdom to speak to the students about his path from growing up in Huntsville, Alabama to his current role as one of the most senior and well recognized DoD Test and Evaluation engineer. Nick fielded the students’ questions about barriers he encountered and overcame, a wide range of professional topics, hoe his experiences in the US Air Force translated to excelling as a Federal Civilian, and requests for recommendations on preparing for a career in STEM.
METT Scholars sponsor these talks at Alabama A&M to bring professionals to the students. Many STEM students with underrepresented backgrounds have not seen or interacted with professionals who ‘look like them.’ This leads to students feeling alone and walking an uncharted path. Meeting professionals like Nick may show the students that there is a path to success in STEM careers - and give them insights on how to get and stay on this path. This is in line with our Vision to grow our nation’s STEM talent through technical means and leadership.
We are grateful to Nick, PEO STRI, Alabama A&M, and our donors for making this talk possible.
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